Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Debug pop-up window

The SAP Gui command line cannot be accessed via debugger due to the modal window. But the good news is that there is a workaround - SAP Debugger Shortcut!

SAP debugger shortcut is system independent. Create once and use it to activate debugger for any system/client.

Click on 'Generates a shortcut' button on toolbar

A processing dialog of the SAP shortcut is displayed. Change the fields 'Title', 'Type' and 'Command' as shown below. Leave remaining fields unchanged and Click 'Finish'.
Create Debugger Shortcut
The debugger shortcut is now created in your desktop.

Debugger Shortcut

Simply, drag the shortcut to the SAP window in task bar without releasing the mouse, SAP window will open in a while and then release the mouse on the pop-up. Debugger will get activated.

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