Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Editor - Code Template

Hate adding modification log when you create new programs or modify existing ones. Here's a short cut that will make your life easier!

Code Template feature in New Editor gives you freedom to create create your own code template.

If you are working on new editor, you must be familiar with code completion feature. When you type any keyword, SAP suggestion appears and when you hit TAB(keyboard) the statement is auto-completed. Now you can have your own custom templates to make your work faster and easier.
Se38 -> ABAP New Editor. Click on the bottom right Icon, 'Options' window will pop-up. Click on Code Template -> Add. Enter name, description and then in 'Code' section add content (for auto-completion). I've added a new Template 'Log' which is added by programmer while creating new program.
ABAP New Editor Options

Type 'Log' in new ABAP editor, you will see the SAP suggestion as 'Modification Log' that we entered as description while creating template 'Log'

Hit 'TAB' or 'CTRL + Enter' on keyboard, Modification log gets auto-completed!

Similarly, templates can be created for amendment history, defect log, etc that is frequently used.

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